- Fern leaf
- Found on coconut palm from end without me
- In Dusseldorf, Ron discovered palm leaf
- The organ formed by the combination or union into one body
of stem and leaf, and often bearing the fructification; as, the frond
of a fern or of a lichen or seaweed; also, the peculiar leaf of a palm
- Shaped like a fern or like the parts of a fern leaf.
- Lunar.
- The herb moonwort or "honesty".
- A low fleshy fern (Botrychium Lunaria) with lunate segments
of the leaf or frond.
- The spine.
- The continued stem or midrib of a pinnately compound leaf,
as in a rose leaf or a fern.
- The principal axis in a raceme, spike, panicle, or corymb.
- The shaft of a feather. The rhachis of the after-shaft, or
plumule, is called the hyporhachis.
- The central cord in the stem of a crinoid.
- The median part of the radula of a mollusk.
- A central cord of the ovary of nematodes.