Feel Sorrow Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 04-01-2018
Below are possible answer for quick crossword clue: feel sorrow. We have 7 answers for feel sorrow in our database.

Possible answers to feel sorrow

- Breathe out
- Feel sorrow
- Grieg, for example, leaves First Lady to mourn
- Mourn
- Alt. of Greeve
- To occasion grief to; to wound the sensibilities of; to make sorrowful; to cause to suffer; to afflict; to hurt; to try.
- To sorrow over; as, to grieve one's fate.

- Bewail
- Feel sorrow for the death of
- Feel sorry for the death of
- Grieve
- Lament
- Sorrow over
- To express or to feel grief or sorrow; to grieve; to be sorrowful; to lament; to be in a state of grief or sadness.

- A cereal nut
- Bemoan
- Bitterly regret
- Deplore road in Paris? It’s mostly true!
- Edit out erudite lament
- Feel regret for
- Feel sorry for the plant

- Be sorry for
- Confess sins
- Feel contrition
- Feel remorse
- Feel remorse for
- Feel sorry for
- Make amends

- Express sympathy or pity
- Give sympathy
- Sympathise
- Sympathise (with)
- Sympathise with
- To feel sorrow, pain, or regret for; to pity.

- Bewail
- Cry over
- Express sorrow for
- Expression of sorrow
- Expression of woe
- Keen
- Mournful poem

- Disapprove strongly
- Express disapproval
- Express strong disapproval of
- To feel or to express deep and poignant grief for; to bewail; to lament; to mourn; to sorrow over.
- To complain of.
- To regard as hopeless; to give up.
- To lament.

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