- Breathe out - Feel sorrow - Grieg, for example, leaves First Lady to mourn - Mourn - Alt. of Greeve - To occasion grief to; to wound the sensibilities of; to
make sorrowful; to cause to suffer; to afflict; to hurt; to try. - To sorrow over; as, to grieve one's fate.
- Bewail - Feel sorrow for the death of - Feel sorry for the death of - Grieve - Lament - Sorrow over - To express or to feel grief or sorrow; to grieve; to be
sorrowful; to lament; to be in a state of grief or sadness.
- Disapprove strongly - Express disapproval - Express strong disapproval of - To feel or to express deep and poignant grief for; to
bewail; to lament; to mourn; to sorrow over. - To complain of. - To regard as hopeless; to give up. - To lament.