- Dispirited
- Down cast
- Gloomy
- Gloomy Bullwinkle hugs Rocky initially
- Glum
- Sulky
- Sullen
- Crestfallen
- Dejected; Morose
- Feeling sad
- Morose when left in eucalyptus
- Silent or sullen
- So left moguls awfully dejected
- Sullen
- Cantankerous
- Determined
- Dogged
- Grumpy-looking
- Relentlessly stern
- Smell
- Stolid
- Broods
- Is in a huff
- Is moody
- Is sullen
- Pouts
- Shows sullen aloofness
- The condition of being sulky; a sulky mood or humor; as,
to be in the sulks.
- Grumpiest
- Most churlish
- Most sullen