- Feed
- Foster
- Give food to
- Provide sustenance
- Reorganised hours in an effort to feed and nurture
- Strengthens
- Sustain
- Feeder for a horse
- Feeder for horses
- Horse-feed container
- Jumping beans go into fodder sack
- Snoop case in which stable diet is served
- A bag in which feed for a horse, ox, or the like, may be
fastened under the nose by a string passing over the head.
- Early feed
- First backpackers ask after cooked meal
- Meal
- Meal provided for the rest in a hurry
- Morning meal
- The first meal in the day, or that which is eaten at the
first meal.
- A meal after fasting, or food in general.
- Bear the weight of
- Feed bear
- Hold up under
- Keep going
- Keep up
- Nourish
- Prolong
- ... drink & be merry
- ..., drink and be merry
- A cereal
- Be humiliated, ... humble pie
- Bother swallow
- Chew
- Chew and swallow