- Roomy - Extending far and wide; vast in extent. - Inclosing an extended space; having large or ample room;
not contracted or narrow; capacious; roomy; as, spacious bounds; a
spacious church; a spacious hall.
- Not tight - Of great width - Wide - Wide board is broken - Wide; extend in breadth, or from side to side; --
opposed to narrow; as, a broad street, a broad table; an inch broad. - Extending far and wide; extensive; vast; as, the broad
expanse of ocean. - Extended, in the sense of diffused; open; clear; full.
- Endemic - Extensive - Far-reaching - Prevelant - Rife - Wed a spider? In far-flung places, it’s quite common - Spread to a great distance; widely extended; extending
far and wide; as, widespread wings; a widespread movement.