- A mini Tito repaired was a replica
- Artificial reproduction
- Counterfeit
- Fake
- Fake (leather)
- Forgery
- It’s the sincerest form of flattery (or a zircon)
- Counterfeit
- Dodgy
- Fake
- False
- Phoney
- Sham
- Spurious; fictitious; sham; -- a cant term originally
applied to counterfeit coin, and hence denoting anything counterfeit.
- Fabricate
- Fake
- Fake bar ledge has iron on it
- look alike
- Not genuine
- Produce tangled cat fur found in an emu stew
- Representing by imitation or likeness; having a
resemblance to something else; portrayed.
- Charlatan
- Cheat
- Cooking the books
- Counterfeit
- Criminal deception
- Deception
- Deliberate deception
- Artificial
- Artificial fake
- Fake
- Not genuine