- Give up or surrender
- Hand over
- To set free from restraint; to set at liberty; to
release; to liberate, as from control; to give up; to free; to save; to
rescue from evil actual or feared; -- often with from or out of; as, to
deliver one from captivity, or from fear of death.
- To give or transfer; to yield possession or control of;
to part with (to); to make over; to commit; to surrender; to resign; --
often with up or over, to or into.
- To make over to the knowledge of another; to
communicate; to utter; to speak; to impart.
- To give forth in action or exercise; to discharge; as,
to deliver a blow; to deliver a broadside, or a ball.
- To free from, or disburden of, young; to relieve of a
child in childbirth; to bring forth; -- often with of.
- Be enough
- Be enough for
- Convince
- Fulfil
- Fulfil the needs of
- Fulfil the needs or desires of
- Hand over
- Charge trustingly
- Confide, put into the care of
- Give responsibility for bent, rusty part
- Hand over
- Put in care of, ... to
- See Intrust.
- Give over to another for safe keeping
- Hand over formally
- Put somewhere
- Top chef on notice to deliver
- To give, transfer, or deliver, in a formal manner, as
if by signing over into the possession of another, or into a different
state, with the sense of fixedness in that state, or permanence of
possession; as, to consign the body to the grave.
- To give in charge; to commit; to intrust.
- To send or address (by bill of lading or otherwise) to
an agent or correspondent in another place, to be cared for or sold, or
for the use of such correspondent; as, to consign a cargo or a ship; to
consign goods.
- Anti-war politician that bills
- Bird
- Bird of peace
- Bird of the family of pigeons used as an emblem of peace
- Bird seen with doe around five
- Bird symbolising peace
- Bird, an emblem of peace
- Hand over for trial
- Hand over to another nation
- Send abroad to face trial
- To deliver up by one government to another, as a
fugitive from justice. See Extradition.