- Eye colour - Eye hue - Eye shade for mist in front of learner - Nut tree - Type of nut - A shrub or small tree of the genus Corylus, as the C.
avellana, bearing a nut containing a kernel of a mild, farinaceous
taste; the filbert. The American species are C. Americana, which
produces the common hazelnut, and C. rostrata. See Filbert. - A miner's name for freestone.
- Intricate eye on skin colour and texture - The state of being complex; complexity. - A combination; a complex. - The bodily constitution; the temperament; habitude, or
natural disposition; character; nature. - The color or hue of the skin, esp. of the face. - The general appearance or aspect; as, the complexion of
the sky; the complexion of the news.