- Blissful
- Exalted
- Inspiring awe
- It’s emotionally uplifting under citrus tree
- Noble
- Noble or exalted
- Perfect
- Delighted news boss is ringing late
- Delighted the Spanish changed date
- Ecstatic when Ed rings late
- Ecstatically happy
- Exalted
- Filled with joy
- Highly delighted
- Exalted
- Exalted to royalty
- Made king
- Bliss
- Delight
- Exalted delight
- Feeling of great happiness
- Great delight or joy
- Great joy
- Rapture
- Exalted rank
- In a way, rude Gran may have delusions of such
- Magnificence
- Magnificence of exotic garden you are making
- Majesty
- Splendour
- stateliness splendour