- Bewitch
- Enslave
- Hold spellbound
- Transfix
- To take prisoner; to capture; to subdue.
- To acquire ascendancy over by reason of some art or
attraction; to fascinate; to charm; as, Cleopatra captivated Antony;
the orator captivated all hearts.
- Taken prisoner; made captive; insnared; charmed.
- Bondservant
- Do too much
- Labour (over)
- Spartacus was one
- Toil hard
- Unpaid drudge
- Unpaid servant
- A slave; a bondman.
- Slavery; bondage; servitude; thraldom.
- A shelf; a stand for barrels, etc.
- Of or pertaining to a thrall; in the condition of a thrall;
bond; enslaved.
- To enslave.
- Condemned to servitude
- Enthralled in Austen Slav edited
- Put into bondage
- Subjugated
- of Enslave