- Interest in foreign army takeover - Job - Military control of career - Successful invasion - The act or process of occupying or taking possession;
actual possession and control; the state of being occupied; a holding
or keeping; tenure; use; as, the occupation of lands by a tenant. - That which occupies or engages the time and attention;
the principal business of one's life; vocation; employment; calling;
- Commercial activity - Company custom - Concern for an entrepreneur’s baby? - Hustle and bustle - Inside syllabus in essential trade - Line of work - Sen is back in bus enterprise
- Diversion - Go in with main characters intent on fun - The act of receiving as host, or of amusing,
admitting, or cherishing; hospitable reception; also, reception or
treatment, in general. - That which entertains, or with which one is
entertained; as: (a) Hospitality; hospitable provision for the wants of
a guest; especially, provision for the table; a hospitable repast; a
feast; a formal or elegant meal. (b) That which engages the attention
agreeably, amuses or diverts, whether in private, as by conversation,
etc., or in public, by performances of some kind; amusement. - Admission into service; service. - Payment of soldiers or servants; wages.