Embellish 5 2 Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 09-05-2023
Below are possible answer for quick crossword clue: embellish 5 2. We have 5 answers for embellish 5 2 in our database.

Possible answers to embellish 5 2

- Add detail to
- Add exaggerated details
- Apply fancy needlework
- Decorate in stitches
- Embellish
- overstate
- romanticise

- Disguise clothes increase
- Don finery
- Embellish
- Put on your glad rags, with Andre’s support
- Wear fancy costume

- Add lustre to
- Beautify
- Decorate
- Decorate or embellish
- Embellish
- Embroider
- Lean over

- Disguise clothes increase
- Embellish (5,2)
- Wear fancy costume

- Bodily shape
- Estimate
- External form or bodily shape
- Numerical symbol
- Physique
- Work out
- The form of anything; shape; outline; appearance.

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