- Clue
- Clue given
- Each in turn covered up clue
- Helpful Suggestion
- Indirect suggestion
- Inkling
- Intimation
- A guide to a solution
- A hint
- Aid in solving a crime
- Aid to detection
- Crime-solving aid
- Crime-solving lead
- Crossword poser
- Hunker down
- Inkling
- Intuition
- Intuitive guess or feeling
- Mental tip
- Premonition
- A hump; a protuberance.
- A notion in the mind
- A thought or suggestion
- Aide provides brainwave
- Brainwave
- Brainwave confuses aide
- Clueless, no ...
- concentrating
- Belief without sure proof
- Inkling
- The act of suspecting; the imagination or apprehension
of the existence of something (esp. something wrong or hurtful) without
proof, or upon very slight evidence, or upon no evidence.
- Slight degree; suggestion; hint.
- To view with suspicion; to suspect; to doubt.