- Elementary particle - The edible seed of several species of pine; also, the tree
producing such seeds, as Pinus Pinea of Southern Europe, and P.
Parryana, cembroides, edulis, and monophylla, the nut pines of Western
North America. - See Monkey's puzzle.
- atom particle - Charged particle - Elementary particle - Particle orbiting a nucleus - Subatomic particle - things in an atomic shell - Amber; also, the alloy of gold and silver, called
- A cat bit - A male cat is a source - All there is before N to Z is a tiny bit of physics - At the top - Element’s smallest part - Elementary particle - Matter component
- Elementary particle - Particle - Subatomic particle - The mesial plane dividing the body of an animal into similar
right and left halves. The line in which it meets the dorsal surface
has been called the dorsimeson, and the corresponding ventral edge the