- Catastrophic event - Coppola’s Vietnam film, ... Now - Dramatic event - Revelation - Revelation from soapy Place characters - World's destruction, according to doomsayers - Worlds destruction according to doomsayers
- Enigma - Inexplicable event - Something that can't be explained - Something unexplained - Unsolved crime - A profound secret; something wholly unknown, or something
kept cautiously concealed, and therefore exciting curiosity or wonder;
something which has not been or can not be explained; hence,
specifically, that which is beyond human comprehension. - A kind of secret religious celebration, to which none were
admitted except those who had been initiated by certain preparatory
ceremonies; -- usually plural; as, the Eleusinian mysteries.
- Composition for voices and orchestra - Dramatic unstaged musical composition - Extended musical composition - Musical work for orchestra and choirs - Musical work usually on a sacred theme - Religious choral work - Religious musical piece