- A deception
- Deceive
- Deception
- Fake action
- Fake news
- How tax lost a little weight, leading to fraud
- Humorous or malicious deception
- Charlatan
- Cheat
- Cooking the books
- Counterfeit
- Criminal deception
- Deception
- Deliberate deception
- ... or treat
- Deceive
- Deception
- Gold brick
- Hoax that card players bet on
- Magical feat
- Magician’s illusion
- Deception
- Doubleness; a twofold state.
- Doubleness of heart or speech; insincerity; a sustained
form of deception which consists in entertaining or pretending to
entertain one of feelings, and acting as if influenced by another; bad
- The use of two or more distinct allegations or answers,
where one is sufficient.
- In indictments, the union of two incompatible offenses.
- Commit (crime)
- Commit a crime, etc
- Commit a crime, etc.
- Commit felony
- For each domestic animal, evaluate and carry out crime
- Perform (deception)
- To do or perform; to carry through; to execute,
commonly in a bad sense; to commit (as a crime, an offense); to be
guilty of; as, to perpetrate a foul deed.