- Appetite
- Hanker
- Hope
- Longing
- Want
- Want greatly
- Wish for
- A longing
- Asian currency turns up in moneybags
- Craving
- Desire to have Barney back without the whole pub!
- Hankering
- Hayden had gone to get money in Japan
- Japan's currency
- Choice
- Desire
- Desire or long for
- Hankering
- Hope
- Insist on
- Intend
- A prolonged, dull pain
- Bachelors hurt inside
- Continued pain
- Continuous dull pain
- Dull pain
- Each is prepared to feel sore
- Each movement resulted in pain
- Homesickness
- Longing
- Sentimental memories lost again, sadly
- Sentimental recollection
- Wistfulness
- Yearning
- Yearning for the past