- Poison in deadly nightshade used in medicine - Poisonous compound found in deadly nightshade, used in medicine - Poisonous compound in deadly nightshade used in medicine - A poisonous, white, crystallizable alkaloid, extracted
from the Atropa belladonna, or deadly nightshade, and the Datura
Stramonium, or thorn apple. It is remarkable for its power in dilating
the pupil of the eye. Called also daturine.
- Ill will - Maliciousness - Malignant substance - Pollute - Toxic substance - Venom - Any agent which, when introduced into the animal organism,
is capable of producing a morbid, noxious, or deadly effect upon it;
as, morphine is a deadly poison; the poison of pestilential diseases.
- To taint or impregnate with venom, or any substance
noxious to life; to poison; to render dangerous or deadly by poison, as
food, drink, a weapon; as, envenomed meat, wine, or arrow; also, to
poison (a person) by impregnating with venom. - To taint or impregnate with bitterness, malice, or
hatred; to imbue as with venom; to imbitter.