Dance Music Host Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 23-11-2022
Below are possible answer for general crossword clue: dance music host. We have 9 answers for dance music host in our database.

Possible answers to dance music host

- Dance music host
- Davy Jones initially was a radio employee
- Disc jockey
- DJ
- He is in charge of records
- Radio personality
- Record spinner

- Ballroom dance
- Cook, alas, kept a southern Mexican dip
- Cuban music
- Dance music
- Hot condiment ground from vine corns
- Hot sauce
- Latin American dance

- Bob Marley genre
- Genre of music
- Jamaican dance music
- Jamaican music
- Jamaican pre-reggae music
- Jamaican relative of reggae
- Music genre

- ‘70s dance genre
- 70s dance music
- 70s dance scene
- Dance
- Dance club
- Dance genre
- Dance hall

- A dance
- Dance
- Dance hit
- Dance to pop music
- Jive
- Quick punch
- Strike hit coll

- Dance to pop music

- A Spanish dance
- Castanets dance style
- Dance music for lover being pursued by sergeant
- Dance set fire to corporal
- Fiery dance
- Loud Mal turned around once, in Spanish dance
- Spanish dance style

- A coma
- Canter about in a daze
- Coma
- Daze
- Dazed state
- Dreamlike daze
- Hypnotic state

- Rapid dance
- A rapid and delirious sort of Neapolitan dance in 6-8 time, which moves in whirling triplets; -- so called from a popular notion of its being a remedy against the poisonous bite of the tarantula. Some derive its name from Taranto in Apulia.
- Music suited to such a dance.

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