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Crossword clue for salsa

- Ballroom dance
- Cook, alas, kept a southern Mexican dip
- Cuban music
- Dance music
- Hot condiment ground from vine corns
- Hot sauce
- Latin American dance
- Latin American dance music
- Mexican dip
- Mexican food accompaniment
- Mexican sauce
- Nachos sauce
- Saucy dance held in colossal salon
- Saucy dance?
- Sort of a lass with taste for spicy Mexican?
- Spicy Mexican sauce
- Spicy sauce
- Spicy tomato-based sauce
- Spicy tomatobased sauce
- Spicy, tomatobased sauce
- Taco sauce
- Taco topping
- This dance is hot stuff!
- Tomato sauce
- Tomato-based sauce
- Type of music