- Colouring stick - Crayon - Crayon drawing - Light shade - Pale delicate shade of a colour - Soft colour - A crayon made of a paste composed of a color ground with
gum water.
- of Scumble - A mode of obtaining a softened effect, in painting and
drawing, by the application of a thin layer of opaque color to the
surface of a painting, or part of the surface, which is too bright in
color, or which requires harmonizing. - In crayon drawing, the use of the stump. - The color so laid on. Also used figuratively.
- To cover lighty, as a painting, or a drawing, with a
thin wash of opaque color, or with color-crayon dust rubbed on with the
stump, or to make any similar additions to the work, so as to produce a
softened effect.
- Bail supporter - Outwit - Part Of The Limb Remaining After Amputation - Piece left - Short piece left - Thick post - The part of a tree or plant remaining in the earth after the
stem or trunk is cut off; the stub.