- Blush
- Blush like Scarlet when Ned returns
- Chap
- Dared Dennis to conceal flush
- Show embarrassment
- To make red or somewhat red; to give a red color to.
- To grow or become red; to blush.
- Aussie male
- Chap
- Guy
- Local fellow
- Cadet
- Chap
- Chap dropped to the ground with a cry of pain
- Comrade
- Member of a learned society is just a bloke really
- A companion; a comrade; an associate; a partner; a sharer.
- A man without good breeding or worth; an ignoble or mean
- A fellow
- Chap
- Courteous chap
- Fellow
- Fellow of good breeding (coll)
- Gentleman, in short
- Man informal