- Disgrace - Disgraceful action - Disgraceful event - Infamy - Initially, Sean Connery and Pacino were a disgrace - Lads can be involved in gossip - Malicious gossip
- Death notice - That which pertains to, or is called forth by, the obit
or death of a person; esp., an account of a deceased person; a notice
of the death of a person, accompanied by a biographical sketch. - A list of the dead, or a register of anniversary days
when service is performed for the dead.
- The principles of a political party in England (1838-48),
which contended for universal suffrage, the vote by ballot, annual
parliaments, equal electoral districts, and other radical reforms, as
set forth in a document called the People's Charter.
- A mass of iron on which the operation of smelting has
failed of its intended effect; -- so called from Shadrach, one of the
three Hebrews who came forth unharmed from the fiery furnace of
Nebuchadnezzar. (See Dan. iii. 26, 27.)