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Meaning of scandal

- Offense caused or experienced; reproach or reprobation called forth by what is regarded as wrong, criminal, heinous, or flagrant: opprobrium or disgrace.
- Reproachful aspersion; opprobrious censure; defamatory talk, uttered heedlessly or maliciously.
- Anything alleged in pleading which is impertinent, and is reproachful to any person, or which derogates from the dignity of the court, or is contrary to good manners.
- To treat opprobriously; to defame; to asperse; to traduce; to slander.
- To scandalize; to offend.

Crossword clue for scandal

- Disgrace
- Disgraceful action
- Disgraceful event
- Infamy
- Initially, Sean Connery and Pacino were a disgrace
- Lads can be involved in gossip
- Malicious gossip
- Malicious talk
- Notorious affair
- Outrage
- Public disgrace