- Behind (Fr)
- Buttocks
- French behind
- Madame Defarge’s seat
- Hits buttocks
- Slaps lightly
- Lazy person
- Pacino left snap book to vagrant
- The buttocks
- Worthless
- The buttock.
- To make murmuring or humming sound.
- A humming noise.
- Animal's hindquarters
- Behind
- Cut of beef
- Gee, why leave grumpy over a cut of steak?
- Hindquarters
- The buttocks
- The end of the backbone of an animal, with the parts
adjacent; the buttock or buttocks.
- The buttocks.
- The two anterior of the four lobes on the dorsal side of
the midbrain of most mammals; the anterior optic lobes.
- The umbones of a bivalve shell.