- Branch of medicine - Branch of medicine dealing with mental disorders - Mental health medicine - Science of treating mental diseases - The application of the healing art to mental diseases.
- Branch of medicine - Doctor carrying out an operation - Doctor’s consulting room - Operating room - Place where a doctor works - The art of healing by manual operation; that branch of
medical science which treats of manual operations for the healing of
diseases or injuries of the body; that branch of medical science which
has for its object the cure of local injuries or diseases, as wounds or
fractures, tumors, etc., whether by manual operation or by medicines
and constitutional treatment. - A surgeon's operating room or laboratory.
- Branch of medicine concerned with childbirth - Medical care during pregnancy and childbirth - Midwifery - Midwifery is obstructive psychometrics taken to extremes - The science of midwifery; the art of assisting women in
parturition, or in the trouble incident to childbirth.