Book Division Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 24-01-2018
Below are possible answer for quick crossword clue: book division. We have 7 answers for book division in our database.

Possible answers to book division

- Book division
- Cher apt to be in part of book
- Episode
- Masonic division broke her pact
- Part of book
- Period of time
- Section of a book

- A little bundle; a fascicle.
- A division of a book.

- Bill of sale
- Book name
- Caption
- Championship
- Claim championship
- Deed of ownership
- Designation

- Measurement of books by the number of lines which they contain.
- Division of the text of a book into lines; especially, the division of the text of books into lines accommodated to the sense, -- a method of writing manuscripts used before punctuation was adopted.

- Emotional musical piece
- Intense musical piece
- Queen hit, Bohemian ...
- Rap, so Dee can hear the highly emotional music
- Romantic music
- A recitation or song of a rhapsodist; a portion of an epic poem adapted for recitation, or usually recited, at one time; hence, a division of the Iliad or the Odyssey; -- called also a book.
- A disconnected series of sentences or statements composed under excitement, and without dependence or natural connection; rambling composition.

- Notices dilapidated subdivision
- Part
- Part that is cut off
- Portion
- Sample
- Slice
- Subdivision

- Blade of grass
- Browse (through)
- Dodgy deal secured title role
- Flip (through book)
- Flip (through)
- Frond
- Front-page s coop

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