- Barter
- Replacement
- Stand-in found outside suburban institute
- Understudy
- One who, or that which, is substituted or put in the
place of another; one who acts for another; that which stands in lieu
of something else
- a person who enlists for military service in the place
of a conscript or drafted man.
- To put in the place of another person or thing; to
- Bargain
- Bargain cheerfully
- Bargain in a petty manner
- Bargain or wrangle
- Barter
- Barter over a price
- Barter with an ugly old woman over half a bangle
- Barter
- Change over
- Changing one thing for another
- Exchange
- Exchange in barter
- Hands up for exchange
- Substitution
- Apprenticeship skill
- Barter
- Business
- Business deal
- Business rated poorly
- Buy and sell
- Buying and selling