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Meaning of trade

- A track; a trail; a way; a path; also, passage; travel; resort.
- Course; custom; practice; occupation; employment.
- Business of any kind; matter of mutual consideration; affair; dealing.
- Specifically: The act or business of exchanging commodities by barter, or by buying and selling for money; commerce; traffic; barter.
- The business which a person has learned, and which he engages in, for procuring subsistence, or for profit; occupation; especially, mechanical employment as distinguished from the liberal arts, the learned professions, and agriculture; as, we speak of the trade of a smith, of a carpenter, or mason, but not now of the trade of a farmer, or a lawyer, or a physician.
- Instruments of any occupation.
- A company of men engaged in the same occupation; thus, booksellers and publishers speak of the customs of the trade, and are collectively designated as the trade.
- The trade winds.
- Refuse or rubbish from a mine.
- To barter, or to buy and sell; to be engaged in the exchange, purchase, or sale of goods, wares, merchandise, or anything else; to traffic; to bargain; to carry on commerce as a business.
- To buy and sell or exchange property in a single instance.
- To have dealings; to be concerned or associated; -- usually followed by with.
- To sell or exchange in commerce; to barter.
- imp. of Tread.

Crossword clue for trade

- Apprenticeship skill
- Barter
- Business
- Business deal
- Business rated poorly
- Buy and sell
- Buying and selling
- Buying and selling goods and services
- Commerce
- Commercial exchange shift rated
- Craft
- Deal
- Dealing in goods
- Ed & Art turn up for deal
- Exchange
- Job exchange
- Line of work
- Make deals
- Occupation
- Plumbing or carpentry
- Send out
- Swap
- Swap damaged tread
- Traffic
- Traffic caught up in Sumatra demonstration