- Awake
- Vigilant
- Not sleeping; indisposed to sleep; watchful; vigilant.
- Afoot
- Awake
- Awake, starting to incite riot
- In a state of activity
- In motion
- Moving
- Not sleeping
- Awake
- Possessing the faculty of knowing one's own thoughts or
mental operations.
- Possessing knowledge, whether by internal, conscious
experience or by external observation; cognizant; aware; sensible.
- Made the object of consciousness; known to one's self;
as, conscious guilt.
- Advance warning
- Art keeps the French on the ball
- Attentive
- Forewarn
- On one’s guard
- On one’s guard? Perhaps later
- On the ball
- Apathetic
- Not awake
- Sluggish
- Sluggish and inactive
- Having lost motion, or the power of exertion and feeling;
numb; benumbed; as, a torpid limb.
- Dull; stupid; sluggish; inactive.