- Add (conditions)
- Add-on
- Appropriate, without permission from man next door
- Attach
- Attach (to)
- Extension
- Join
- Annex
- Connect
- Fasten
- Fasten or connect
- Fasten or join
- Fix
- Join
- Bond for university associate ends
- Bring into accord
- Consolidate
- Form into one
- Join
- Join together
- Make as one
- Cricket bat part
- Intertwine
- Interweave (ropes)
- Join
- Join ropes
- Weave (ropes) together
- To unite, as two ropes, or parts of a rope, by a
particular manner of interweaving the strands, -- the union being
between two ends, or between an end and the body of a rope.
- affix
- Amalgamate
- Amalgamate Ki-Moon’s outfit with computer science and fourth dimension
- Amalgamate world peace body with computer science and fourth dimension
- Band together
- Bond for university associate ends
- Bring together