Asking About Ma Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 16-01-2025
Below are possible answer for general crossword clue: asking about ma. We have 3 answers for asking about ma in our database.

Possible answers to asking about ma

- Asking about Ma? She is waterlogged
- Of wetlands
- Waterlogged
- Resembling a marsh; wet; boggy; fenny.
- Pertaining to, or produced in, marshes; as, a marshy weed.

- Dressmaker
- Layer pressure in sewer
- Ma stresses about sewer
- Talented stitcher
- A woman whose occupation is sewing; a needlewoman.

- Goat's wool
- Ma cheers about caprine fleece
- Soft wool from a goat
- A rich stuff for shawls, scarfs, etc., originally made in Cashmere from the soft wool found beneath the hair of the goats of Cashmere, Thibet, and the Himalayas. Some cashmere, of fine quality, is richly embroidered for sale to Europeans.
- A dress fabric made of fine wool, or of fine wool and cotton, in imitation of the original cashmere.

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