- 7th Greek letter - A Greek letter - Airport schedule info (init) - Announcement made by pilot? About time! - Anticipated arrival time - Approximate hour of arrival - Approximate hour of arrival (1,1,1)
- Of or pertaining to a flood or deluge, esp. to the great
deluge in the days of Noah; diluvian. - Effected or produced by a flood or deluge of water; --
said of coarse and imperfectly stratified deposits along ancient or
existing water courses. Similar unstratified deposits were formed by
the agency of ice. The time of deposition has been called the Diluvian
- A curved line, such that a heavy body, descending
along it by the action of gravity, will always arrive at the lowest
point in the same time, wherever in the curve it may begin to fall; as,
an inverted cycloid with its base horizontal is a tautochrone.
- A Latin preposition and prefix; akin to Gr. 'anti`, Skr. anti,
Goth. and-, anda- (only in comp.), AS. and-, ond-, (only in comp.: cf.
Answer, Along), G. ant-, ent- (in comp.). The Latin ante is generally
used in the sense of before, in regard to position, order, or time, and
the Gr. 'anti` in that of opposite, or in the place of.