- ..., rattle and roll
- Agitate
- Breaks up, separates, eats takeaway that’s free
- Frighten
- Frothy milk drink
- Judder
- Mix up
- Agitate
- Fright
- Radical change
- Radical reorganisation
- Agitate
- Boil
- Cream holder usually remains nice at first
- Dairy product
- Large metal milk can
- Make (butter)
- Make cream into butter
- Agitate
- Disturb greatly
- Make someone anxious
- To trouble
- Trouble
- Unnerve
- Unsettle, trouble
- Agitate
- Interrupt
- Intrude on
- Nudist urbanely conceals worry
- Upset
- Upset or agitate
- To throw into disorder or confusion; to derange; to
interrupt the settled state of; to excite from a state of rest.