Pink Flower Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 28-03-2023
Below are possible answer for quick crossword clue: pink flower. We have 4 answers for pink flower in our database.

Possible answers to pink flower

- Clove pink
- Cultivated plant
- Lapel flower
- Pink flower
- The natural color of flesh; rosy pink.
- Those parts of a picture in which the human body or any part of it is represented in full color; the flesh tints.
- A species of Dianthus (D. Caryophyllus) or pink, having very beautiful flowers of various colors, esp. white and usually a rich, spicy scent.

- Author, ... du Maurier
- Fragrant pink flower
- Had pen used by du Maurier
- Pen had been misused by du Maurier
- Writer, ... du Maurier
- A genus of diminutive Shrubs, mostly evergreen, and with fragrant blossoms.
- A nymph of Diana, fabled to have been changed into a laurel tree.

- A garden shrub with showy flower clusters
- Common garden plant
- Flowering shrub
- Hyde ranger, making a noise in the bush
- Large lowered shrub
- Large pink or blue-flowering shrub
- Large-flowered shrub

- Caribbean ballad about some scaly psoriasis
- Caribbean rhythm
- Jamaican ballad
- Pays Col to make West Indian music
- Trinidad ballad
- Type of West Indian music
- W Indian ballad

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