- Agenda
- Clues he’d mistaken for timetable
- Concert tour dates
- Designate time for line-up of events
- Timetable
- A written or printed scroll or sheet of paper; a
document; especially, a formal list or inventory; a list or catalogue
annexed to a larger document, as to a will, a lease, a statute, etc.
- To form into, or place in, a schedule.
- A broadcast on radio or TV
- Agenda
- Broadcast on radio
- Planned series of events
- Regimen
- Schedule
- That which is written or printed as a public notice or
advertisement; a scheme; a prospectus; especially, a brief outline or
explanation of the order to be pursued, or the subjects embraced, in
any public exercise, performance, or entertainment; a preliminary
- Agenda item
- Debate's focus
- Issue pith helmet? See!
- It is on the agenda to pick out ending
- Matter
- Point of discussion
- Subject
- A point under dispute
- Affair
- Agenda item
- Allocate
- Bone of contention
- Children
- Children in serious trouble or not
- Agenda topics
- Articles
- Articles taken back in cosmetics dept
- Dating couples
- Details
- Entities
- Modules