- A green leafed vegetable - A green vegetable - Can ship cook up something for Popeye? - Green leaf vegetable - Green vegetable - Leafy green vegetable - Long in the tooth
- A green vegetable - A green vegetable of the cabbage family - Boil croc mixed with vegetable - Brassica - Cauliflower relative - Green vegetable, a member of the cabbage family - Green-stalked vegetable
- A green vegetable - A long, green skinned fruit used in salads - A salad vegetable - Green salad ingredient - Salad ingredient - Salad item - Salad vegetable
- Edible leafstalk - Green vegetable - Leafy vegetable - Salad plant - The tender leaves or leafstalks of the artichoke, white
beet, etc., blanched for table use. - A variety of the white beet, which produces large, succulent
leaves and leafstalks.
- A green leafed vegetable - Brassica - Coleslaw base - Coleslaw ingredient - Green leaf vegetable - Green vegetable - It’s very chic! ABBA gets to hold vegetable
- ... and ham soup - Appealing little vegetable - Climbing plant, sweet ... - Dip each piece of legume - Edible seed - Flower, sweet ... - Fruit loses the right to become a vegetable, but could be a sweet flower
- Edible young spears - Green stem vegetable - It provides tips for vegetarians - Succulent shoots of a plant of the lily family - A genus of perennial plants belonging to the natural
order Liliaceae, and having erect much branched stems, and very slender
branchlets which are sometimes mistaken for leaves. Asparagus racemosus
is a shrubby climbing plant with fragrant flowers. Specifically: The
Asparagus officinalis, a species cultivated in gardens. - The young and tender shoots of A. officinalis, which
form a valuable and well-known article of food.