Become Accustomed to a New Place

Become accustomed to a new place crossword clue, 11 letters. A quick clue on Daily Telegraph crossword on 16 November 2017.

The answer: Acclimatize or Acclimatise

Become accustomed to a new place crossword clue in sentence

This may sound bad, but if you aren’t socially awkward like I am, you will probably make friends immediately and everything will be great. Or you may be like me and it will take you a couple of weeks to really grow on people and vice versa. After I became a little more accustomed to reaching out to people, I began to make friends in my classes and in clubs that I’ve joined. Although I’ve made friends relatively soon, there’s nothing wrong with taking a little time to become accustomed to a new place and sticking to yourself for awhile.

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