Order US Soldier to Enlist in British Corps

Order US soldier to enlist in British corps crossword clue. UK Daily Mail crossword puzzle on 13 June 2017, 6 letters.

The answer: REGIME

n politics, a regime (also “rĂ©gime”, from the original French spelling) is the form of government or the set of rules, cultural or social norms, etc. that regulate the operation of a government or institution and its interactions with society.

Contemporary academic usage of the term “regime” is broader than popular and journalistic usage, meaning “an intermediate stratum between the government (which makes day-to-day decisions and is easy to alter) and the state (which is a complex bureaucracy tasked with a range of coercive functions).” In global studies and international relations the concept of regime is also used to name international regulatory agencies (see International regime), which lie outside of the control of national governments.

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