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Meaning of washers

- One who, or that which, washes.
- A ring of metal, leather, or other material, or a perforated plate, used for various purposes, as around a bolt or screw to form a seat for the head or nut, or around a wagon axle to prevent endwise motion of the hub of the wheel and relieve friction, or in a joint to form a packing, etc.
- A fitting, usually having a plug, applied to a cistern, tub, sink, or the like, and forming the outlet opening.
- The common raccoon.
- Same as Washerwoman, 2.

Crossword clue for washers

- Facecloth
- Fastener
- Flat metal ring
- Laundry appliance
- Laundry machine
- Metal or rubber disc
- Seal put in window, as he requested
- Tap gasket
- Flat metal rings
- Laundry tools
- Small, flat rings