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Meaning of violent

- Moving or acting with physical strength; urged or impelled with force; excited by strong feeling or passion; forcible; vehement; impetuous; fierce; furious; severe; as, a violent blow; the violent attack of a disease.
- Acting, characterized, or produced by unjust or improper force; outrageous; unauthorized; as, a violent attack on the right of free speech.
- Produced or effected by force; not spontaneous; unnatural; abnormal.
- An assailant.
- To urge with violence.
- To be violent; to act violently.

Crossword clue for violent

- Aggressive at 6-0 then 50-10 was disastrous!
- Brutal
- Extremely forceful
- Oil put carelessly in vent with rough force
- Strong and turbulent (wind)
- Unrestrained
- Vet! Lion is becoming aggressive!
- Wild