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Meaning of versions

- A change of form, direction, or the like; transformation; conversion; turning.
- A condition of the uterus in which its axis is deflected from its normal position without being bent upon itself. See Anteversion, and Retroversion.
- The act of translating, or rendering, from one language into another language.
- A translation; that which is rendered from another language; as, the Common, or Authorized, Version of the Scriptures (see under Authorized); the Septuagint Version of the Old Testament.
- An account or description from a particular point of view, especially as contrasted with another account; as, he gave another version of the affair.

Crossword clue for versions

- Adaptation
- Hate not having a different edition
- Interpretation
- Adaptations
- Differing accounts
- Five seniors produced differing accounts