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Meaning of unison

- Harmony; agreement; concord; union.
- Identity in pitch; coincidence of sounds proceeding from an equality in the number of vibrations made in a given time by two or more sonorous bodies. Parts played or sung in octaves are also said to be in unison, or in octaves.
- A single, unvaried.
- Sounding alone.
- Sounded alike in pitch; unisonant; unisonous; as, unison passages, in which two or more parts unite in coincident sound.

Crossword clue for unison

- Agreement
- Agreement or accord
- All at once: in —
- Complete accord
- Complete agreement
- Complete agreement, harmony
- Concord
- Simultaneous performance
- Simultaneous performance of action or speech
- Simultaneous performance of action, speech or song
- Simultaneously, in ...
- Synchronised, in ...
- Togetherness
- Unions disrupted harmony
- Unions worked out accord