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Meaning of treasures

- Wealth accumulated; especially, a stock, or store of money in reserve.
- A great quantity of anything collected for future use; abundance; plenty.
- That which is very much valued.
- To collect and deposit, as money or other valuable things, for future use; to lay up; to hoard; usually with up; as, to treasure up gold.

Crossword clue for treasures

- Accumulated wealth
- Adore booty
- Cherish pirates’ booty
- Hoarded wealth
- Hold dear
- Pirates buried ...
- Pirates' buried ...
- Pirates’ buried ...
- Prize highly
- R.L Stevenson novel; ... Island
- Reuse art to get falsified value – a lot!
- Revenue bureau
- Valuable possession
- Value highly
- Cherishes
- Prizes sure to be covered in tears, sadly
- Valuables certain to be taken into account in varying rates
- Values
- Variable rates involving certain prizes