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Meaning of translate

- To bear, carry, or remove, from one place to another; to transfer; as, to translate a tree.
- To change to another condition, position, place, or office; to transfer; hence, to remove as by death.
- To remove to heaven without a natural death.
- To remove, as a bishop, from one see to another.
- To render into another language; to express the sense of in the words of another language; to interpret; hence, to explain or recapitulate in other words.
- To change into another form; to transform.
- To cause to remove from one part of the body to another; as, to translate a disease.
- To cause to lose senses or recollection; to entrance.
- To make a translation; to be engaged in translation.

Crossword clue for translate

- Decipher foreign instructions to cook lean tarts
- Express in another language
- Interpret
- Train’s late when I get off express, in other words
- Train’s late. I get off to determine what foreign signs say