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Meaning of tiaras

- A form of headdress worn by the ancient Persians. According to Xenophon, the royal tiara was encircled with a diadem, and was high and erect, while those of the people were flexible, or had rims turned over.
- The pope's triple crown. It was at first a round, high cap, but was afterward encompassed with a crown, subsequently with a second, and finally with a third. Fig.: The papal dignity.

Crossword clue for tiaras

- A jewelled ornamental coronet
- A jeweller’s crowning achievement?
- Coronet
- Coronet I found in Scarlett’s plantation
- Coronet in Croatia rarely seen
- Crown for a princess
- Crown I found inside a rat surprisingly
- Diadem
- Head adornment
- Head-dress
- Headwear represents Austria, not us
- I enter Scarlett’s house with a crown
- I wander into Scarlett’s house with a crown
- Jewelled coronet
- Jewelled crown
- Jewelled headband
- Jewelled Headdress
- Jewelled headdress found in absentia? Rats!
- Jewelled headdress makes leading tenor ruin aria
- Jewelled ornamental band
- Kuwaiti Arabs have such headwear
- Little crown
- Peeress' crown
- Peeress’ crown
- Peeress’s crown
- Portia races to hide jewelled headdress
- Portia rarely used headdress
- Regal headdress causes leading tenor to ruin aria
- Royal headwear
- Semi-circular Jewwelled headdress
- Semicircular jewelled headdress
- Small crown
- Take the odd trip abroad to get coronet
- Tara wrapped one jewelled crown
- Coronets
- Diadems
- Jewelled circlets
- Jewelled coronets
- Jewelled crowns
- Jewelled head ornaments
- Jewelled headdresses
- Jewelled ornamental bands
- Peeresses’ crowns
- Sara itemised too many returned headdresses
- Sara itemsed too many returned headdresses