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Meaning of teems

- To pour; -- commonly followed by out; as, to teem out ale.
- To pour, as steel, from a melting pot; to fill, as a mold, with molten metal.
- To think fit.
- To bring forth young, as an animal; to produce fruit, as a plant; to bear; to be pregnant; to conceive; to multiply.
- To be full, or ready to bring forth; to be stocked to overflowing; to be prolific; to abound.
- To produce; to bring forth.

Crossword clue for teems

- A bristle
- Abound
- Meet up with crowd
- Pour
- Pour down
- Rain heavily
- Swarm
- Swarm, as a verb
- Swarm; be prolific
- Is abundant
- Pour heavily
- Pours with rain
- Rains heavily
- Swarms