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Meaning of struggles

- To strive, or to make efforts, with a twisting, or with contortions of the body.
- To use great efforts; to labor hard; to strive; to contend forcibly; as, to struggle to save one's life; to struggle with the waves; to struggle with adversity.
- To labor in pain or anguish; to be in agony; to labor in any kind of difficulty or distress.
- A violent effort or efforts with contortions of the body; agony; distress.
- Great labor; forcible effort to obtain an object, or to avert an evil.
- Contest; contention; strife.

Crossword clue for struggles

- Contend
- Contest for control
- Ongoing fight
- strenuous effort
- Strenuous exertion or effort
- Strive
- Conflicts