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Meaning of strange

- Belonging to another country; foreign.
- Of or pertaining to others; not one's own; not pertaining to one's self; not domestic.
- Not before known, heard, or seen; new.
- Not according to the common way; novel; odd; unusual; irregular; extraordinary; unnatural; queer.
- Reserved; distant in deportment.
- Backward; slow.
- Not familiar; unaccustomed; inexperienced.
- Strangely.
- To alienate; to estrange.
- To be estranged or alienated.
- To wonder; to be astonished.

Crossword clue for strange

- Alien
- Eerie
- Exotic
- Fabricated garnets are odd
- Odd
- Odd, unusual
- Peculiar
- Street leading to line of hills looks unfamiliar
- Street on top of mountains? How odd!
- Unusual
- Unusual or surprising
- Weird