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Meaning of stations

- The act of standing; also, attitude or pose in standing; posture.
- A state of standing or rest; equilibrium.
- The spot or place where anything stands, especially where a person or thing habitually stands, or is appointed to remain for a time; as, the station of a sentinel.
- A regular stopping place in a stage road or route; a place where railroad trains regularly come to a stand, for the convenience of passengers, taking in fuel, moving freight, etc.
- The headquarters of the police force of any precinct.
- The place at which an instrument is planted, or observations are made, as in surveying.
- The particular place, or kind of situation, in which a species naturally occurs; a habitat.
- A place to which ships may resort, and where they may anchor safely.
- A place or region to which a government ship or fleet is assigned for duty.
- A place calculated for the rendezvous of troops, or for the distribution of them; also, a spot well adapted for offensive measures. Wilhelm (Mil. Dict.).
- An enlargement in a shaft or galley, used as a landing, or passing place, or for the accomodation of a pump, tank, etc.
- Post assigned; office; the part or department of public duty which a person is appointed to perform; sphere of duty or occupation; employment.
- Situation; position; location.
- State; rank; condition of life; social status.
- The fast of the fourth and sixth days of the week, Wednesday and Friday, in memory of the council which condemned Christ, and of his passion.
- A church in which the procession of the clergy halts on stated days to say stated prayers.
- One of the places at which ecclesiastical processions pause for the performance of an act of devotion; formerly, the tomb of a martyr, or some similarly consecrated spot; now, especially, one of those representations of the successive stages of our Lord's passion which are often placed round the naves of large churches and by the side of the way leading to sacred edifices or shrines, and which are visited in rotation, stated services being performed at each; -- called also Station of the cross.
- To place; to set; to appoint or assign to the occupation of a post, place, or office; as, to station troops on the right of an army; to station a sentinel on a rampart; to station ships on the coasts of Africa.

Crossword clue for stations

- Bus or railway terminal
- Bus terminal
- Coach terminus
- Radio frequency
- Rail stopping-place
- Stopping place
- Type of drug
- Assigns to posting
- Designated posts
- TV channels